US-Wahlkampf – Trump liegt weiter vor Biden

US-Wahlkampf Trump gegen Biden

Die deutsche Propaganda-Presse ist sich sicher: Der nächste US-Präsident heißt Joe Biden. Mit dieser Vorhersage könnte sie durchaus ein zweites Mal völlig daneben liegen, wie eine neue Umfrage aus den USA zeigt.

Bereits das dritte Mal in Folge liegt Donald Trump in der monatlich erhobenen Umfrage des von der Sunday Express beauftragten Democracy Institute vor seinen Herausforderer „Sleepy Biden“. Demnach führt Trump mit 48 Prozent, Biden liegt mit 46% klar hinter ihm.

Democracy Institute/ Sunday Express

National Popular Vote

Trump = 48%

Biden = 46%

Undecided = 6%

White voters: Trump = 53% Biden = 46%

Black: Trump 20% Biden = 77%

Hispanic: Trump 38% Biden = 51%

Battleground States – Popular Vote

Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

Trump = 48%

Biden = 43%

Undecided = 9%

Florida – Popular VoteFlorida – Popular Vote

Trump = 47%

Biden = 45%

Undecided = 8%

Minnesota – Popular Vote

Trump = 46%

Biden = 45%

Undecided = 9%

New Hampshire – Popular Vote

Trump = 46%

Biden = 43%

Undecided = 11%
Electoral College Vote Projection (if election voting mirrored these poll results)

270 needed to win

Trump = 309 [picks-up Minnesota & New Hampshire]

Biden = 229 [picks-up Wisconsin]

Enthusiasm Gap?

Q. “Are you strongly or very enthusiastic about your choice of candidate?”

Trump voters = 79%

Biden voters = 41%

Q. “Is your vote for Trump/Biden a positive vote for your candidate or a negative vote against his opponent?

Trump voters: positive vote = 84%; negative vote = 16%

Biden voters: positive vote = 32%; negative vote = 68%

Q “Could your vote change before Election Day?”

Trump voters: Yes = 4%

Biden voters: Yes = 10%
‘Shy’ Trump Vote?

Questions to Undecided Voters

Q “Does a relative, friend, or coworker plan to vote for Trump?”

Yes = 71%

No = 29%

Q “Will President Trump be reelected?”

Yes = 54%

No = 46%

Q “Which candidate will win the first presidential debate?”

Trump = 62%

Biden = 38 %
Question to All Voters

Q “Are you comfortable with your relatives, friends, and coworkers knowing how you vote?”

Trump voters: Yes = 27%

Biden voters: Yes = 83%

Q “Which candidate will win the first presidential debate?”

Trump = 53%

Biden = 47%

Trump’s National Job Approval

Approve = 50%

Disapprove = 48%

Party ID

Republican = 84%

Democrat = 25%

Independent = 44%


White = 57%

Black = 40%

Hispanic = 43%


Men = 53%

Women = 45%

Evangelical = 90%

Protestant = 59%

Catholic = 61%

Jewish = 32%

Atheist = 12%


Bild: Unsplash – visuals

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